Dar Nur al-Zahra' ialah sebuah perpustakaan awam milik persendirian yang diwakafkan untuk dimanfaatkan secara percuma oleh orang ramai. Ia satu-satunya perpustakaan seumpama ini di Malaysia.
Peminat Perpustakaan
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Saya terkejut bila dapat tahu yang dalam ramai-ramai adik ni hanya seorang saja yang pandai membaca iaitu yang berbaju kuning tu. Kesian adik-adik ni, udah darjah 4 dan 5 tapi masih tidak pandai membaca malah merangkak-rangkak untuk mengeja. Tapi mereka bagus sebab rajin datang ke perpustakaan. Hampir setiap hari...
Monday, February 21, 2005
Konvensyen Hospital Mesra Ibadah
This is just a short report on a convention that I attend 2 days ago. Actually I was representing Dar Nur al-Zahra' for the exhibition table. HUSM, the organizer invited us to open a promotion table for our library. Although I was there as a promoter, I still have the chance to follow the convention fully. Frankly speaking, what was presented by all the presenters were really good papers and I personally believed that the mission can be done.
For anyone interested to see/read or make a copy of the papers, you can view them at Dar Nur al-Zahra'. I would like to convey our great thanks to the organizer especially to Puan Rosuna Zakiey and Ust. Rosdian Hassan for giving us a chance to be there and for giving us a copy of each papers for free.
1. UST. HJ. MUHAMMAD HJ. ISMAIL (Madrasah Ar Rahmaniah)
2. DR. KHAIRI CHE MAT (Pakar Psikiatri HKB)
Tarikh & Masa: 25 Feb 2005, 3 - 5.30 petang
Anjuran: JK Pembangunan JIM & Wanita JIM Kelantan
Penyertaan: TERBUKA
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Report: Book Discussion
Book discussion in progress. 5 participants attend the session. From one of the attendees: 'The discussion was good! Where can I buy that book? ...'
Ust. Muhd Hafiz starting the discussion.
2 students from KIAS intently listening to Ust. Muhd Hafiz.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Upcoming: Program Motivasi Pelajar Bulan Februari
Berikut ialah butiran sessi motivasi yang akan datang:
Tarikh: 26 Februari 2005 (Hari Sabtu)
Masa: 2.45 - 4.15 petang
Tempat: Dewan Seminar, Dar Nur al-Zahra'
Tajuk: Tugas & Akhlak Seorang Anak Dalam Agama, Keluarga dan Masyarakat
Penceramah: Ustz. Mazidah Muhamad, Pegawai Kaunselor ITD
Yuran: RM2 seorang
Jadi, bersedialah mana-mana remaja yang berminat dan ingin meningkatkan prestasi diri masing-masing. Sertailah kami di program ini nanti. Jumpa anda minggu depan!
Read Aloud Session at the Library.
Kids during Read Aloud Session at Dar Nur al-Zahra'. Usually we have 20 - 30 kids per session. We think and believed that read aloud will help inspire kids to love reading.
For more details about RAS, please surf to http://readaloudkb.blogspot.com .
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Reading is important...
A mother reads aloud to her children.
Reading has always been an important skill. In our modern world it is more important than ever.
Children learn about the importance of reading as they watch family members use reading and writing for everyday purposes.
Reading with your child at home will help your child in all learning areas at school.
Children see you reading and writing in everyday life - reading for pleasure, sharing a story with your child using recipe, making a shopping list, writing a birthday card or reading street signs. This teaches them that reading and writing are useful skills in today's world.
Often parents are asked by the school to listen to their child read at home. It's a good way of supporting your child's reading. Books may be borrowd from school or public libraries or just come to our library.
Be confident that your child will learn to read and love to read.
What can you do at home to help?
- Be yourself. Involve children in everyday conversations.
- Read aloud to children. It helps children learn the language of books and will encourage them to enjoy books and reading.
- Talk about books, read together and make reading an enjoyable, shared activity.
- Have a wide range of reading material for your child at home, both fiction and non-fiction.
- Try not to let television intrude on reading time. Make a special time for reading with your child, away from interruptions.
- Listen to your child read every day, even for a short time.
- Give books as treats and presents.
Hints for listening to your child read...
- Before reading: talk about the cover, the title, the pictures, and discuss what the book may be about.
- During reading: discuss the story so far and try to guess what happens next.
- After reading: talk and ask questions about the story and pictures. Play word puzzles and do some drawing.
- When reading a harder book, together takes turns. Beginning readers can read the repetitive parts and more experienced readers can read a paragraph or a page.
- When you come across an unknown word...
- Go back to the beginning of the sentence, or read past the difficult word to the end of the sentence
- Look for a clue in the picture or the words
- Look at the first letter(s) and think ablout what the word could be
- Ask, "Does this make sense?"
- Tell your child the word if necessary
- PRAISE your child for trying even if mistakes are made
What to read and do...
1. Play games such as "I Spy ... something beginning with d."
2. Ask your child to read out simple recipes.
3. Read comics, magazines, short stories, poems and rhymes.
4. Read nespapers together.
5. Do crosswords and other word puzzles.
6. Read the TV guide before watching a program.
7. Look at letterbox leaflets.
8. Read directions and signs when driving.
9. Play board games and read the rules.
10. Provide plastic letters (eg. fridge magnets), crayons, pencils, pens and papers.
And do remember...
- Discuss the meaning of stories and words
- Encourage reading
- Let your child see you enjoying reading
- Borrow books for your child and yourself
- Enjoy Reading
It Should be Fun!
Sections of our Library.
Children's and Family's Section at the Ground Floor.
This is the Men Reading Area. On certain days when the Women Reading Area is full, we allowed our visitor to use any areas available as long as they can do their reading and what ever relevant.
some of our visitors reading at the Women Reading Area.
A step to the Library, a million knowledge
Fun & Craft Session at the Library
First 'Fun & Craft Session' on January 13, 2005. We managed to get 12 kids to join in our session. They seems to be enjoying it. They're making a greeting cards that day.
Kak Dila, our craft instructor. She's also our assistant librarian. You can always meet her at the front desk except on Mondays, that's her day off.
Some of the attendees of our 'Fun & Craft Session'. Left to right: Aliya, Farehan, Illy, Kak Dila, Zamzuzila, Sherry, Shakila and Irwani.